EPA 608 practice test
Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires that all persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of appliances that contain ozone depleting refrigerants be certified in proper refrigerant handling techniques.
Before starting a practice exam: Practice questions help prepare students and technicians for the types of questions and/or content they may encounter on certification exams and are NOT intended as an alternative to studying for the exam. Practice questions are NOT the actual exam questions.
We encourage all students and technicians to fully prepare for certification exams by participating in a training class or studying the appropriate preparatory manual for the exam you will be taking. Please contact us at 1-800-726-9696 if you have any questions or if we can help you select the right preparatory materials.
Free R-410A Practice Exam
New equipment that uses R-410A requires service personnel to shift to different tools and equipment, safety standards and fundamentals when installing, changing out (retrofitting) older split A/C systems, and repairing systems in the field.
ESCO Institute offers free practice exams to help you test your retained knowledge prior to taking your official exam. Take a free practice test here.
Low GWP Refrigerant Safety
Flammable and Mildly Flammable Refrigerants Practice Exam
As the HVACR industry continues to move forward and innovate, the refrigerants that were once so commonplace are now being phased out. Replacing them are more energy efficient, environmentally friendlier refrigerants, known as Low GWP refrigerants. Many of these new refrigerants are classified by ASHRAE as A2L, or slightly flammable. The industry is also seeing expanded use of some hydrocarbon (A3) refrigerants, such as propane and isobutane. Students and technicians will require additional training for the safe handling and transportation of these refrigerants.